Declaration of accessibility

Plastic Omnium undertakes to make its website accessible in accordance with Article 47 of French Law no. 2005-102 of February 11, 2005.

In pursuit of this commitment, it is implementing the following strategy and actions:

A 2020–2022 multi-year plan to improve accessibility and 2020–2021 action plan are currently being completed and will be published shortly.

This declaration of accessibility applies to Compliance status

The site is partially compliant with the French government’s accessibility guidelines (RGAA) version 4.0, due to the non-compliances and exemptions listed below (if rate >50%).

Test results

The compliance audit performed by Urbilog showed that 52% of the RGAA version 4.0 criteria are met.

The average compliance rate of the online service is 76%. You can read the detailed audit report in PDF format There are 61 applicable criteria out of 106, of which:

32 criteria are compliant

29 criteria are non-compliant

Non-accessible content


There are broken or incorrectly labeled links.

There are form fields with missing or incorrect labels.

Some modal dialogs are non-compliant.

Some decorative images are not correctly ignored by the screen reader.

Better use of frame titles would make the site easier to understand.

Increase the contrast ratio of footer text and icons.

Column headings in tables must be marked with <th> tags, but these should not be present in formatting tables.

Some alert and status messages are not read aloud.

There are problems with changing language.

There are errors in the HTML validator.

There are structure problems on all HTML5 pages.

Focus is not perceptible on some buttons.

Input control is not always used correctly.

Fields of the same type are not grouped.

Landmark roles are not present.

There is a lack of redundancy in the navigation on most pages.

Establishment of this declaration of accessibility

This declaration was made on Friday 18 December.

Technologies used for the creation of [nom, url du site]




Test environment

The content delivery checks were performed based on the combinations provided by the RGAA 4.0 reference base, with the following versions:

NVDA 2019.2.1 and Firefox Tools used to evaluate accessibility

Contrast Color Analyser

Assistant RGAA V3 (elements reusable in RGAA V4)

Web Developer toolbar

Browser web inspector

Site pages checked for compliance

Home page *(including the menu): https://

Results page (accessed directly without filters by clicking on “Search Jobs”): tionsFacetsDD_customfield1=&optionsFacetsDD_customfield2=&optionsFacetsDD_customfi eld3=

Details page for an offer (accessed by clicking an offer from the list of results): example: KS/639390101/

Login page (accessed by clicking on “Profile” – the direct link is not working):

Forgotten password (link on the login page): rams=&login_ns=forgot_pwd&jobPipeline=Jobs2Web&navBarLevel=MY%5fPROFILE&_s.crb= p8l9sMvVQCr4iW5P4YCg5mjRk3Kn0P2b43dfmKLLnBE%3dAccount registration (link on the login page): https:// /career?company=OPTEAM&site=&lang=en_GB&requestParams=&login_ns=register&jobPip eline=Other&navBarLevel=MY%5fPROFILE&_s.crb=n86cNBNlbucx6GT79ybihzTfETFWD%2fYl mYardn1NXkw%3d

Candidate profile page (accessible once the account has been created – see slide 8 for reference)

Alert creation (“Create Alert” link on a job details page) :

Application (“Apply now” link on a job details page) :

Spontaneous application (“Spontaneous application” link on the home page): https:// ale=en_GB

It is noted that the Legal Notice and Contact pages are not up to date for the current site (test site) and that these will appear in a 100% accessible version in Q1 of 2021. They are therefore not included in this audit.

Feedback and contact

If you are unable to access any content or service, please send an email at the address mentioned below to obtain an accessible alternative or to obtain content in another form.

Contact: Contact

Legal remedies
This procedure is to be followed if:

You have notified the website administrator of an accessibility problem that prevents you from accessing content or services on the portal and you have not received a satisfactory response.

Write to the Commissioner []

Contact the Commissioner’s representative in your region []

Send a letter (free mail within France, no stamp required) to:

Défenseur des droits Libre réponse 71120 75342 Paris CEDEX 07